Rapid Photo Img. Ctr. Inc.
1137 S. Abington Rd. • Clarks Summit, PA 18411
International Film Services
(570) 586-1555
Customer Comments Page
(random comments received from customers are on file at Rapid Photo)
We encourage you to check the Better Business Bureau (we are not accredited but are listed), Yelp, or Google for reviews/ratings of the photo lab that you are considering for handling your films!
Sept 15 J Luca, IL
Thank you so much. The package arrived safely and the photos look great. I really appreciate this service. I have a few more Kodak disc negatives I need to be digitized so I may be in touch in the near future. Again, I cannot thank you enough.
June 23 Eric I.
Hey guys I just got my 35mm back and I have to say you do an excellent job, couldn't be any happier. Thank you for an awesome film service. We will definitely be back.
June 11 C Nelse, TX
Hi, I am very happy to have received what pictures you have developed for me. Hurrah !!!!
May 18 V Carr
You have gone above and beyond what most people do in business now a days. You made an absolutely great 60th anniversary celebration turn out so grand for my parents. Of course my mom cried when she saw pictures of her mother that were never seen before and I have to say that my 81 yr father was very chocked up when seeing his parents in pictures 40+ years ago. These are things that are irreplaceable in life and that will always be cherished. Many thanks from my entire family!!!!
March 26 Maureen S., FL
The package arrived & I am thrilled with the pictures which I am sure were taken in the 60's. Thank you for doing your best. M.S.
March 15 Sylvia G., NY
My aunt found a camera in her attic when moving. I discovered a roll of film in it and mailed it to you. Got them back Saturday and immediatly posted the photos of my 3 cousins (one of whom is deceased) taken 40 years ago on Facebook. Nice touch including a CD. I can't begin to describe how much joy that discovery gave family and OLD friends. Thank you for enabling this. SG
Jan. 31 Maryellen E, NJ
I received my CD today. THANK YOU for doing an amazing job with my photos!! M.E.
Nov. 5 Sharon M, CANADA
Hello ......... Thanks for everything. I appreciated the wonderful job you did. Have a good weekend. Sharon
Nov. 27 Frank T., SC
Just received my order of 900 126 negatives. Well pleased with the results. Will be passing out copies of your order form along with excellent recommendation to some people that I know of with 110 and 126 film but no way of getting develped back here. THANK YOU!
Nov. 25 Stefan J., WA
Thank you for answering my email and giving me the status of my order. I sent it to you based on an internet search. Thank you all for the prompt manner in which my order was handled. SJ
Nov. 12 Jen T., CA
Hey there. Got back my C-22 from you and I love what pix came out of it! Thanks, Jen
Oct. 6, S Rogers, Quebec
Hello! Just to let you know I did receive my photos. Thanks so much for developing them and managing to get some images. I am impressed after all the years I've had them. Take care. I do appreciate your expertise and will recommend you to anyone I know.
August 18, Jimmy H., CA
Rapid Photo Gang, I just received the CD's of my digitized old disc fim negatives. Fantastic! What a pleasant surprise! I thought I'd never find a company who could scan the old film discs properly, much less so well. I'm amazed at how good the scans look for being such a tiny image area on the orginal negatives that were stored in the garage for 20 years. Thanks so much for your exceptional quality and fine work. I will highly recommend Rapid Photo to anyone who needs old Kodak film discs scanned. Thanks so much. JH
July 22, John M, KS
Hi ....... I received my photos this morning. Thank you! They are new to me and they will be treasured for the memories they bring back. I'm so glad I found your website. JM
May 30, Don H, AK
I wanted to thank you for developing my kodak disc pictures. The film was 22 years old and I am very satisfied with the quality of the pictures. I can't tell you how excited I am to get those pictures back. A lot of them are very sentimental to me. I found one more disc after I sent out the two you just developed so you will be seeing that one soon to develop for me! DH
June 30, Ross K. B, MI
The pictures arrived this morning; I was very pleased with the results. My grandmother will be very excited to see these images as she was told getting this type of film developed was nearly impossible. Thank you very much for your efforts. Best wishes. RKB
May 6, Nydia R., Puerto Rico
Hi there. Today I received the cd and the negatives. Already saw them, thanks, they are beautiful! NR

© Rapid Photo Image Center, Inc. 2025